Thursday, June 2, 2016

Coping Skill: The Great Cornholio

As you have probably figured out by now, life is hard. And sometimes it really stinks. One day, I was at school, having a particularly rough day. We had a substitute teacher in language arts class, and he assigned a bunch of work that the teacher later confirmed was not to be done. Nice going, Mr. Substitute. I was so stressed out, I was crying. I pulled my hood over my face and cried. I'm not exactly known for handling stress well, you see. When I get really stressed out, I tend to start cutting things, i.e. my notebooks, my old toys, my binders...etc. I need to, like, not do that. But I still need a way to vent my anger and frustration, right? So what do I do?

Well, that day, when we were let out for recess, I made a beeline for the bleachers by the basketball court. There are usually classmates, as well as random strangers, hanging around there. I decided to do something totally crazy, and just be confident. And above all, to have some fun. So... I pulled my shirt over my head, walked around triumphantly, and screamed at the top of my lungs, "I AM THE GREAT CORNHOLIO!!! I NEED TP FOR MY BUNGHOLE!!! I NEED THE ROLIO FOR MY HOLIO, AS I WOULD HATE FOR IT TO GET POLIO OR EBOLIO! ARE YOU THREATENING ME?! GIVE ME YOUR TP! YOU ASK NO QUESTIONS! MY BUNGHOLE WILL ASK THE QUESTIONS!" Obviously, I attracted a lot of strange looks. But it was okay, because I was able to laugh again.

So, moral of the story, next time you feel so stressed out you could murder someone, don't. Be The Great Cornholio instead.

Image result for cornholio

Hey, you, watch this! XD!


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