Sunday, July 17, 2016

13 Signs That Something is WRONG...

Hello, viewer. I am writing this post literally just to scare you. I mean, that's what this entire blog is about, really. But this post in particular. Also, I think that you should know that I am going to reference my story "I Should Have Kept My Promise To Annie". So, like, if you haven't read it already, go read it please.  Some of the stuff on the following list is from other movies and stories, and some of it is from my own personal experience. And now, without further adieu, "13 Signs That Something is WRONG...":

1) You get chills or goosebumps at inexplicable times. (This shows that a deceased person is angry, according to Cole Sear from "The Sixth Sense")
2) You have visions or precognitive dreams about something really terrible. (This has happened to many well-known people, such as Abraham Lincoln)
3) When it's dark, you see shadows moving around. (There cannot be shadows without light. This could mean you have an otherworldly visitor)
4) You hear unexplained noises or appliances turn on and off on their own. (This indicates a possible haunting)
5) Family members or pets act strange in certain parts of the house. (Again, this indicates a possible haunting)
6) Certain objects make you feel uneasy. (This could mean the object is possessed. And it doesn't necessarily have to be a creepy item, like a doll. It could be a possessed dildo. Not likely, but still scary as hell)
7) Objects move/are moving on their own. (This is a sign that you have a poltergeist. Lucky you!)
8) Technology is acting strangely. (You either have a virus or it's the Slenderman)
9) You are getting random mood swings or have random urges to kill. (This could indicate possession by a demon. On top of that, it makes you more of a target for the Slenderman)
10) You hear strange music or singing, but can't quite place where it's coming from. (This could be a spirit trying to get your attention, or worse, trying to lure you somewhere)
11) You feel strangely attracted to an item. (Look up the story behind "The Anguished Man" painting.)
12) You're NOT afraid of the dark. (It is a natural human instinct to fear the dark and the unknown because something dangerous could be lurking among the shadows. If you are NOT at least A BIT afraid of the dark, it is likely because an evil creature is influencing your mind. Whatever doesn't want you to be afraid of the dark is trying to get you a little too comfortable with what you can't see. This means that it probably has a trap all laid out just for you)
13) The final one is about Annie: If she asks you to be her friend, accept. Why wouldn't you try to be a friend to a rape victim? If she asks you to be her protector, tell her that you'll do what you can. She will insist that you promise. Promise to do your very best. After you make these promises, Jacob will always watch you. Please note: Annie will never harm you herself. She is just a sad ghost. Jacob, however, is the angry ghost. If you scare, threaten, bully, or even neglect to visit Annie for a long time, Jacob will become furious. He can't really talk to Annie, but he still does everything he can to protect his sister. If you should make Jacob angry, you may not even know it at first. Annie won't act any differently when you visit her or play with her. However, you may notice some signs that something is wrong, hence the title of this post. Said signs include, seeing Jacob in the corner of your eye or standing right beside you just before you go to sleep. Or, you may notice a lock of his brown hair on your bed or pillow. Or, after you take a shower, when mirrors get all fogged up, he may have written you a chilling message. These signs vary from account to account, but the one sign that always occurs is this: you'll find Annie's original SOS message in your pocket, or near you at all times. For this reason, supernatural experts speculate that the paper is cursed, and whomever it follows is doomed. These signs can occur for 6-10 days after you've somehow offended Annie or Jacob. It is said that during the 6-10 days you are experiencing these signs, Jacob is deciding what your punishment shall be. Remember, Kyler's story was only one account. Your punishment for offending Annie or Jacob could be drastically different. 

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