Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another School Assignment That Took A Dark Turn

Yo. I have another school assignment that was strangely dark. (Or another "appetizer," however you would like to think of it.) However, this time, the darkness is justified, as the assignment was to write a free verse poem. We could write about anything we wanted. My poem went into some personal issues that I experienced throughout the school year. It's titled, "Even A Princess Has Problems." Enjoy.

Even a princess has problems.
Look at me.
I’m a princess:
I have clothes, I have shoes,
I have a home, I have a school,
I have a loving mama and a sweet daddy.
Yes, I’m a princess, you’re a princess, you’re a prince…
But what does that tell anyone at all?
And I know it is wrong
And I know it is a sin
To compare a princess’ problems to the problems of those who are not princesses
But look at me--my castle is strong.
Many outside forces can hurt me, but many can’t.
My problem is that there are uprisings in my castle.

A civil war.

You can’t even see
My silent misery
You don’t know
The hours I’ve wasted away staring out my bedroom window
Waiting for a change in mood that was beyond my control
Now it is a secret that I fail to keep
That too many times I’ve cried myself to sleep

And it gets worse!

Can you see on my body, in my mind, the scars I’ve made?
Maybe not, but they won’t soon fade.
I keep telling myself it’ll be okay,
But it’s a lie.
I want to freeze, want to fight, want to cut, want to bite, I want to flay

These wants escalate, yes, it gets worse still.

For when positivity I cannot instill,
I want to hurt, I want to kill.
It starts out as a ladybug impaled
Twigs into its once-vibrant wings, I nailed
To just give in to my anger,
Happiness I buried, joy I ate
If I cannot love, I hate
If it was first a ladybug, then next a man?
Will I stop it, if I can?

You see, I focus too much on strengthening my exterior, some call it “cool”
But on the inside, I feel like a weak-minded fool.
Now I know all too well
That without laughter, without love, my life is a living hell.
If I should be forgotten,
If I should be unloved,
If I cannot give my love,
I know I will not be ascending to The Great Above.
If I should become any more untame,
Satan Himself calls my name.

Look at me once more.
Am I the same person you saw before?
Do you think I’m still a princess?
Why don’t you give it a guess?
By now you should know
That only by some rules I choose to abide.
My title as royalty, as a princess, is solely for me to decide.

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